The purpose of any security survey is to provide the client with a pool of information that will be utilized in determining the status of protection
in a facility or organization.
The thoroughness and detail provided by a comprehensive security audit are critical in rendering
a complete picture of the situation.

Risk Analysis, Security & Vulnerability Assessments
The purpose of any security survey is to provide the client with a pool of information that will be utilized in determining the status of protection in a facility or organization. The thoroughness and detail provided by a comprehensive security audit are critical in rendering a complete picture of the situation.
Layne Consultants International (LCI) is recognized for its attention to detail and the objectivity of each security survey performed. We take the time necessary to assure you that nothing has been missed. While other firms may specialize in one type of facility, our diversity and experience in a variety of businesses, commercial enterprises and government facilities lends to our expertise in covering the details others often miss.
Although the elements of each security evaluation will vary with the type of facility involved,
the following are generally included:
- Sufficient on-site time to personally inspect each area of client concern.
- Physical inspection of devices and barriers, such as lighting, fences, landscaping,
locks, doors, and windows. - Examination of existing security and fire systems, closed circuit television, access controls.
- Review of daily operations, traffic flow, freight and delivery handling, personal service operations.
- Staff interviews with department heads, key workers, maintenance and security personnel. Interviews may include outside agencies, including police, fire emergency medical service, transportation.
- Review of emergency plans, training programs, employee manuals, policies, and procedures.
- Analysis of program effectiveness relating to security, prevention, emergency services,
and public relations.
Client Needs and general requirements determine the scope of the survey. Other special situations may require additional evaluation, such as the evaluation of contract security, construction security, special events security, or protection of valuable assets. Following the completion of our assessment, a comprehensive report is issued to the client, including significant information developed, and the consultant's recommendations for problem solving.
Click on the title below to read more on our Risk Analysis Survey.
The Risk Analysis Survey
The conduct of the risk analysis survey is probably the singly most important element of each project. The information gathered during the security survey influences the direction of the Conceptual Protection Plan, and highlights those areas where your protection needs improvement. It is in this area where our service surpasses our competitors.
Physical Security and Electronic Protection are areas normally evaluated in any protection environment. The natural and manmade barriers to entry, intrusion detection systems, fire protection, lighting, landscaping, building design, fields of observation, furniture arrangements, and traffic flow are all contributing factors which are observed, documented, and compared to similar elements found in comparable environments.
Given all of the physical factors, the most important aspect in protection planning is the human element…those regular employees, security staff, responding agencies, visitors, and vendors who all contribute to the overall protection picture. You can spend unlimited amounts on electronic protection, erecting barriers, installing high technology access controls…all of which are worthless if the employee with the task of monitoring or activating parts of each system is inattentive, irresponsible, or neglectful. Our survey includes an objective analysis of the human side as well. We conduct meaningful interviews with those staff members who will most benefit from security system operations, and those who will be responsible for system operations. When appropriate, we meet with response agencies, security system vendors, and others affected by the facility's protection. Policies, procedures, training manuals, and operations guides are reviewed, as well as existing vendor contracts.
The end result is a thorough, objective, and easily understood report that provides decision makers with prospective solutions to the most important problems: "How should we proceed…how much will it cost…and who will perform the tasks necessary?" The Risk Analysis Survey address each area, beginning with an executive summary, followed by an evaluation of each area reviewed. Practical solutions are presented in recommendation form, along with expected costs.