Are you prepared for the aftermath of a disaster?

Let us help you plan ahead so your business isn’t forced to close its doors after a catastrophe…

Layne Consultants International (LCI) Business Continuity Planning Services Includes:

Disaster Recovery - Emergency Response Management - IT Protection/Availability -
Crises Management - Risk Management
Business Continuity Planning Process - Mission Statement
  • Safety and Security of Employees, Guests, Visitors
  • Protection, Security and Recovery of the Organization’s Physical Assets, Including IT Assets
  • Preservation of the Organization’s Financial Assets and Continuation or Recovery of the Organization’s Revenue Stream
Business Continuity Planning – Policy Statement

The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a formal plan of senior managements’ response to natural or man-made incidents or disasters that can interrupt or halt it’s business operations, though the establishment of processes and procedures that address the following key objectives:
  • Protection of employees – Information assets and physical assets
  • Protection, safety, welfare of guests and visitors Protection of image, goodwill and community reputation
  • Provide for continuation of critical business processes and services to the community
  • Provide for mitigation of risks and exposures prior to and during an unplanned business interruption
  • Provide for the continued ability to control financial management processes
  • Provide for the continued ability to meet regulatory compliance

Business Continuity planning services involve the organization and orientation of the client's ability to evaluate preparedness, gather critical information, coordinate recovery efforts, and align available resources. LCI assists clientele throughout the process, especially in the formulation of a viable plan, consistent monitoring of the planning process, and establishment of operating guidelines.