Nick Artim, PE, CIPT, CIPI
Nick Artim currently serves as the director of the Heritage Protection Group of the Fire Safety Network, a Middlebury, Vermont-based international consulting and fire protection engineering group that specializes in heritage protection. His project experience has included sites in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Bermuda and Ireland. His clients have included several National Park Service National Historic sites, the National Libraries of Canada, Scotland and Ireland, the Scottish Supreme Court, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Bermuda Archives, and the Vermont State Capitol.
Nick is a registered fire protection engineer and has a formal education consisting of an Associates Degree in Fire Protection Technology from the State University of New York and a Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Fire Protection from the University of Maryland. He serves as a principal committee member on the National Fire Protection Association Committee on the Protection of Cultural Resources that produces document #909, Standard for the Protection of Cultural Resources. He is the past task group chairman on NFPA #914, Protection of Historic Buildings.
He is also responsible for fire protection educational services with the International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection (IFCPP). He has authored a number of fire protection technical articles and serves as an instructor for several fire protection educational seminars. He serves as a seminar course instructor at Simmons College (Boston) School of Graduate Library Studies, and the University of Vermont Graduate Department of Historic Preservation. Nick is a standing member of The Protection Alliance, IFCPP Fire Protection Advisor, and chief fire protection consultant and instructor for Layne Consultants International.